MPA FT-NIR Spectrometer
MPA FT-NIR Spectrometer
หมวดหมู่: เครื่อง nir
Specification for FQA-NIR Gun
Resolution | 2 cm-1 |
Wavenumber Reproducibility | Better than 0.04 cm-1 |
Wavenumber Accuracy | Better than 0.1 cm-1 |
Photometric Accuracy | 0.1% T |
Interferometer | RockSolidTM, permanently aligned, high stability |
IR Source | High energy air cooled NIR source |
Laser Class | Class 1 |
Beamsplitter | Quartz substrate with proprietary coating |
Scanner | Mechanical, frictionless bearing (no compressed air required), 4 selectable mirror velocities |
A/D Converter | 24-bit |
Validation | Internal Validation Unit (IVU) |
Spectrometer Size | 40.0(W) x 58.9(D) x 26.2(H) cm (base configuration) 54.9(W) x 58.9(D) x 39.1(H) cm (complete configuration) |
Weight | 30 - 40 kg (depending on configuration) |
Spectrometer Power | 100 - 240 VAC, 50 - 60 Hz, max. 180 W |
Computer Interface | Ethernet connection |
Spectroscopy Software | OPUSTM: easy-to-use, fully GMP and 21 CFR Part 11 compliant |
Optional | OPUSTM packages: - OPUS/LAB, software package for QA/QC - OPUS/IDENT, software package for identification of raw materials - OPUS/QUANT, software package for quantification of ingredients - OPUS/SEARCH, software package for creating user libraries and expanded library search capabilities |
30 สิงหาคม 2561
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